Mission Intentional
At its core, the INTENTIONAL ICON mission is to help humans of all genders, races, and identities not only grow their businesses and audiences, but to become INTENTIONAL ICONS in your industry and community.
Marisa Corcoran
Former Harvard trained actor turned messaging and marketing mentor. But you already knew that.
The scene: A Shop N’ Stop.
Location: Suburban New Jersey.
Setting: A Thanksgiving commercial.
Character: Me, the doting mom, in search of a discount.
My line?
Oh, I’ll never, ever forget it:
“This year I want the best turkey for my family and my wallet.”
Groundbreaking stuff.
I waited hours to say that one line at some artificially lit “bustling” grocery store in the middle of the night while holding a 10 lb turkey the crew kept wiping down between takes. Perfect since I was like the copywriting Clark Kent.
I was a Summit and Launch Copywriter for hire by day.
Glamorous Turkey touting actor by night.
A few years and a few hundred “that was great, thanks for coming in”s later, there came a straw that broke the camel's back in the form of a no-pants-wearing bear.
I was up for a part at a prominent theater in a live action children’s play of Winnie The Pooh – for Rabbit.
I had big plans for Rabbit.
Rabbit was my ticket to bigger and better theater roles. And my Rabbit was badass. A little Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny meets the Chicago born stand-up comic Sebastian Maniscalco (this is going somewhere I promise don’t google him yet).
Then I got the call:
“Seems there's been some mistake. We don’t actually need you to come in today to read for the part.”
Heartbroken. Despondent. And stripping off each layer of my carefully styled Rabbit wardrobe.
I… (there goes one overall strap)
Can’t… (and the other)
Do this… (one leg hopping out)
Anymore… (and now there’s nothing between me and the kitchen counter but my lucky draws)
Winnie the Pooh broke me. After 15+ years of being told now wasn’t my time, no - this isn’t right for you, or “we’ll let you know”, I was done.
I wasn’t going to let anyone else dictate my future, my limelight, my worth.
Staring At $178K in Harvard education debt and 15+ years of auditions and almost-weres wasn't going to cut it anymore.
Realizing the mornings I helped my clients make their dreams come true with my own knack for storytelling is when my heart was at its fullest. I dried my tears, scooped my overalls up off the floor and got to work.
Before I knew it months went by, projects were coming in. Bills were getting paid.
Still though, I felt the itch to be on the other side of the camera. For my voice to be seen and heard.
All my actor friends who were doing well were people who created their own stage.
Why couldn’t I do the same? Why couldn’t I create my own stage?
As an actor all you EVER want to do is tell a gorgeous story. Leave people feeling something unforgettable. Create and leverage rockstar relationships. Be seen and help others feel seen.
At least that was my plan.
“I could do that! I can be my own Tonight Show. I can be the rising tide that lifts all boats. I can talk my face off. Have my own one hour special whenever I want.
And most important, bring the cash and attention to the causes and people I care about the most.”
Tada… The Copy Chat was born.
Then The Copy Confidence Society course + community followed. Now, we support online coaches + creatives like you to create your uncopyable message and your stage that brings your genius to the wider world.
Ready to join the icons that have come through our doors?
The Facts:
(without a dime spent on Paid Ads)